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Showing posts from February, 2020

Welcome to the ISGR PTA Blog!

With this new initiative, we now offer our members a more knowledgeable and accessible information about our missions and goals. It is also the place where you can find what the PTA has to offer during the school year and how you can contribute by being an active member and joining the PTA Team. Go through all the pages: maybe you did not know how fun  it is  to belong to our groups or how rewarding it is to  contribute to the well being of the ISGR community. You are part of the action: the PTA  provides a  forum  for people interested in school and local life, and it supports  parents, teachers and staff who want to be actors of the progress for our children by exchanging new ideas and funding new projects. And of course, you can  always  count on PTA other members to facilitate your integration at ISGR and in Gothenburg, Sweden. Whether you are from Sweden or abroad, if you are a parent/guardian of a child at ISGR or working at ISGR, you are automatically a membe